Our domestic violence services provide support for women and children experiencing violence and abuse from a partner or ex-partner, another family member or someone close to them.
Our comprehensive range of services are provided at no charge and include: safety risk assessment, crisis and transitional accommodation, transport, safety planning, court support, information and referral, case management, community education and support to access victim’s compensation.
Our Services
Orange Domestic Violence Local Coordination Point:
When you report domestic and family violence to the police, an automatic referral is sent to our Local Coordination Point. We will call you within 1 business day and work with you to help you stay safe.
Operation Courage provides emergency services for women and children experiencing domestic violence. Support provided includes emergency and transitional accommodation, case management for high needs victims, transport to safety, brokerage for emergency needs such as food and sanitary items, safety planning, assistance with victims compensation and ongoing support, advocacy and referral.
Staying Home Leaving Violence is a capacity building program with a focus of remaining safely in your home, to prevent you or your children from becoming homeless or having to move away from your support system of family and friends, and the school and community in which you live.
We provide safe and supported refuges for women and children escaping domestic and family violence in Orange, Bathurst and Dubbo. The Orchards have a safe, trauma-informed, Core and Cluster design that is complemented by a service delivery model that provides personalised intensive support on site.
Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS):
WDVCAS provides women and their children with immediate specialist support, advocacy, safety planning and access to services including housing, counselling, legal, financial assistance or health services.