If you are experiencing domestic violence and it is an emergency, call

Alternatively, women can contact the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service on:

Central West WDVCAS
Western WDVCAS
Central North WDVCAS
Submit Your Referral Online
The Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS) provide women and their children with immediate specialist support, advocacy, safety planning and access to services including housing, counselling, legal, financial assistance or health services.

Where We Are

How We Can Help

Face to face and telephone specialist support

Risk and needs assessment

Safety planning

Information and referral to support services

Help to report to police and get the ADVO that you need

Help to navigate the legal system

Access to crisis accommodation

Community education

Court Support

We will contact you to advise what will happen at court, support you to access free legal advice to ensure that your voice is heard and work with you to get an order that is best for your situation.
Before Court:
We will make sure you have a safe space to sit at court and help you. We will keep you informed about the progress of your case, including any upcoming dates that you need to attend court.
At Court:
We may refer you to other services that can help you with things such as safe housing, income support, childrens needs, family law and counselling. We will provide you with information about how to keep yourself and your children safe, and what to do if the abuse or control continues.
After Court:

Local Coordination Point

The Local Coordination Point is a coordinated service delivery model for domestic violence victims across NSW. When you report domestic and family violence to the police, an automatic referral is sent to our Local Coordination Point. We will call you within 1 business day and work with you to help you stay safe. We will:
Assess your risk and needs
Work with you to develop a safety plan
Coordinate a range of services to support you
Refer your case to a Safety Action Meeting if you are deemed to be at serious threat of injury or death due to domestic violence

For More Information

Central West WDVCAS
Western WDVCAS
Central North WDVCAS