

Making a donation to Housing Plus and Plus Community will help us continue our important work in providing housing and community services that break the cycle of disadvantage across Central West and Western NSW. As a charity and not-for-profit organisation, Housing Plus relies heavily on donations and income generated through fundraising.


Making a donation to Housing Plus and Plus Community will help us continue our important work in providing housing and community services that break the cycle of disadvantage across Central West and Western NSW. As a charity and not-for-profit organisation, Housing Plus relies heavily on donations and income generated through fundraising.

Monetary Donations

How to Make a Monetary Donation
Our Chuffed site:
You are given the option to make a one off donation or you can start making regular donations if you choose. A tax-deductible receipt will be emailed to you immediately. This payment can be made via credit card and all gifts over $2 are tax deductible.
By Bank Transfer
To make a bank transfer to Housing Plus please email or telephone (02) 6360 3300 for account details.

Donations of Goods, Services and Supplies

Whilst we are extremely grateful for donations, unfortunately we have very limited storage facilities, so can sometimes find it difficult to accept and receive large physical donations.

If you have items you would like to donate, please email us first to see if they are needed at

Below are some examples of items you may wish to donate:

Movies, restaurants, book stores. We also gratefully accept donations of gift cards from Kmart or Big W so that we can purchase household items in response to each clients’ specific needs.

If you are interested in donating a service, email

Leaving a Bequest

A bequest, or legacy, can be the most important gift you ever give. By remembering Housing Plus in your Will you are ensuring the future stability and safety of vulnerable men, women and children, that are experiencing, or are at risk of, homelessness and/or domestic and family violence by helping to provide services and much needed crisis accommodation.

We are currently fundraising for The Orchard Orange a crisis centre for women and children experiencing domestic and family violence. The Orchard provides a safe and secure space for women and their children who are homeless due to physical, emotional or sexual abuse.

Your bequest and other gifts will help us continue to run this crisis centre, meaning that women and children can remain, and be safe, in our community close to their support networks, employment and schools.

How do I make a bequest?
We understand that making your Will is a very personal matter and we respect your privacy. Communicate your wishes to your loved ones and please notify us of your planned bequest if you so desire. Notifying us does not alter your right to change or update your wishes if circumstances change, but it does help us plan for the future.
Can you help me write my will?
Unfortunately, we are unable to help write your Will as we do not have the legal expertise. We recommend that you consult with a lawyer.
What type of gift can I leave?
There are many ways to include Housing Plus in your Will. The four options to leave a bequest are:
What do I need to include?

We advise that you seek qualified expert assistance from a lawyer when putting together your Will.

If you already have a Will, your bequest can of course be added as a Codicil (modification). We recommend that you seek professional advice on how to do this.

To be certain your bequest reaches Housing Plus, it is important to use our full legal name and include our Australian Charity Number as shown below:

Housing Plus
ABN: 83 147 459 461

In Memoriam Donations

A special way to honour a loved one when they pass away is by offering friends and family the opportunity to make an In Memoriam donation to celebrate and commemorate their life.

By making an In Memoriam donation to Housing Plus, you will be supporting the important work we undertake in breaking the cycle of disadvantage in our communities, and ending homelessness and/or domestic and family violence for the many women, men and children that we support every day.

Most funeral directors will help collect donations in lieu of flowers but if you wish to receive In Memoriam donations when you pass away, it may be helpful to inform your friends and family or include instructions in your Will.

Women writing in a note pad | Plus Community

If you choose to support Housing Plus in your In Memoriam donations, an acknowledgement letter will be sent to the family, along with the names of friends and family that made a donation.

Donations can be made on the day of the funeral or an In Memoriam webpage can be set up. This link can be shared with friends and family for them to make a donation online.

The process is simple and can be arranged here. Simply add your details and choose Housing Plus as your charity.

The passing of a loved one is an extremely difficult time and we thank you for supporting the vital work of Housing Plus. As a charity and not-for-profit organisation, we rely on such donations to continue our important work, and are extremely grateful for your support.

Tax Deductible Donations

You can only claim a tax deduction for gifts or donations to organisations that have the status of deductible gift recipients (DGRs). Housing Plus has DGR status, which means you may be able to claim a tax deduction for any donations you make of $2 or more.
What you can claim
For you to claim a tax deduction for a gift, it must meet four conditions:
What you can’t claim
You cannot claim as a gift or donation items that provide you with some personal benefit, such as:

For More Information

If you are interested in making a donation or have any general queries about donating to Plus Community, please call us on 1800 603 300 or email