Initial Transitional Service

Initial Transitional Service

We provide support to people exiting prison to help reduce the risk of reoffending by coordinating and providing support via the Initial Transitional Service (ITS).

The Initial Transitional Service provides initial post-release support for people exiting prison and works with offenders for up to 12 weeks to support reintegration into the local community.

The service works in collaboration with Community Corrections to link support directly to the offender’s case plan to reduce the risk of reoffending. During this time, offenders are linked with services matched to their complex needs to ensure they are supported during this critical transitional period.

Entry into the Initial Transitional Service is by referral via Community Corrections.

How Can Initial Transitional Service Help

ITS will link you directly with support to help you achieve your goals and stay connected to your community. ITS helps you to build connections in ten key areas:

Accommodation Support

Alcohol and Other Drug Services & Support

Recreation & Leisure

Living, Social and Personal Development

Family and Parenting Skills

Assistance with Financial Services

Education and Employment Support

Cultural Support

Emotional and Personal Support

Attitude and Orientation

Initial Transitional Service Locations

The service is funded by Corrective Services NSW (CSNSW) and targets offenders on parole who are medium-high risk of re-offending.

For more information