

Are you Interested in Volunteering?

If you are looking to give back to the community and make a real difference, check out our current Volunteer opportunities!

Become a Housing Plus and Plus Community volunteer in three simple steps

Are you Interested in Volunteering?

If you are looking to give back to the community and make a real difference, check out our current Volunteer opportunities!

Become a Housing Plus and Plus Community volunteer in three simple steps

Are you Interested in Volunteering?

If you are looking to give back to the community and make a real difference, check out our current Volunteer opportunities! Become a Housing Plus and Plus Community volunteer in three simple steps

Become a Housing Plus and Plus Community Volunteer

Complete our online Volunteer Application form.
Call us on (02) 6360 3300.
Volunteers will be required to complete a Police Check, Working with Children check and provide two references, these can either be work or personal references.

Great Reasons to Volunteer

Help others and make a difference in your community.

An opportunity for work experience that can be an advantage in seeking paid work.

Use your skills in a productive way and develop new skills.

Meet new people and expand your horizons.

Get out of the house and achieve the personal rewards gained from making a difference to the life of others.

What is Volunteering With Us?

Housing Plus and Plus Community define Volunteering as time willingly given for the common good of our community, clients, and customers. Volunteering does not include paid activities or those linked to some other obligation. Such activities complement, but do not replace the services provided by paid Housing Plus and Plus Community employees.

Women working at a desk | Plus Community

Volunteer Involvement

Volunteer involvement at Housing Plus and Plus Community can occur in a variety of programs and services. There are two main categories of volunteers with us:
There will be a staged approach to engaging Volunteers to deliver support services to Housing Plus and Plus Community. If one of the roles listed below does not match your skillset and you are interested in Volunteering with us, please email volunteers@housingplus.com.au with your contact details and we will get back in touch with you to discuss your ideas.

What You Can Expect When Volunteering with Housing Plus and Plus Community

We value our Volunteers and we will provide you with:

Current Volunteer Roles

Volunteers will be required to complete a Police Check, Working with Children check and provide two references, these can either be work or personal references.
Volunteer Drivers
Women organising books | Plus Community
Volunteer Donation Coordinator
Staff smiling at a desk | Plus Community
Volunteer Fundraising Committee
For more information